Tuesday 1 March 2011

Another crazy event

'When the person on the switchboard falls asleep, then we shall strike....' I thought to myself pouring another glass of rum and coke.
The menu tonight was brains mainly mine,seeing how it was all over the floor already.We had taken the fabled LSD with some young teenagers. Spotty faced ghouls of the night stalking girls like a pack of horny dog.

'We have to get out of here, this place is crawling with rats..' I stumbled at my friend sitting next to me.
'Chill, these guys are cool free LSD just roll up a joint and chill the fuck out.'
I got out my bag (full of prescription drugs) and took a big hit of  Oxycodone it is an opiod medication synthesized from opium-derived thebaine. It was developed in 1916 in Germany, as one of several new semi-synthetic opioids in an attempt to improve on the existing opioids: morphine,heroin and codeine, which was easy to get hold of if you knew exactly what to say.
'Hello doctor I have rather bad bowel movements is there anything that could help with that?'
I always hated doctors surgeries.The smells,the people,the cold  instruments, the long pointy end of a needle applying pressure to the skin and finally breaking it, receiving or taking it was always the same feeling. I fucking hate needles ever since I was a kid but back to the story.
The doctor looked at me for what seemed like a long 5 minutes I was sweating uncontrollable I had just taken two hits of nitrous oxide not the greatest idea but I wouldn't go in to a doctor surgery without being on something first.
Caden was waiting in the lobby probably biting his nails he was just as messed as me.But in a suit.
The doctor was looking down on me i could feel he gaze I just wanted to stand up and say:'look here you god fearing piece of shit are you going to give me the fucking drugs or not cus I'm fit to fucking burst here and I might just blow my fucking brains all over you.' at this point in the fantasy I blow brains out with a Ruger Blackhawk blowing my brain and fantasy away.
I was back in the room the doctor was handing me a piece of paper.
'Mr Wilcliff your prescription.'he said with a confused look on his face, who knows how long I was staring into space.I wiped the sweat from my face.
'Cheers doc hope this clears it up I been shitting burning water hahahahaha!and this hand wiped it all hahaha'

I patted him on the shoulder a look of disgust appear on his face as I took my hand away, as I closed the door I smiled and watched as he ripped the coat off and hurled it to the floor
So it begins. 


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