Tuesday 1 March 2011

I wish

This is not the natural order of life! In this society I feel misplaced. I do not wish to have a career, I do not wish to have a house that someone else made, I do not wish to have a wife and kids. I don't want to live in ignorance.
I wish to survive I wish to live without money without fear that on every corner I'm being watched. I wish to be anonymous to everyone but the people i know. I do not wish to support the capital for them to profit from me .
I want to live,run,hunt my own food make my own home ENJOY MY FUCKING LIFE!
Because you only get one and spending it working for other people is a sorry excuse for a life. I wish people felt the same way but their all wrapped up in their lives of mediocrity and convenience in this media controlled world.
No more will we live alone
No more will humans fight humans
No more fear
No more will stupid/evil people have all the power and money.
Everybody will be equal everyone will be free!
But alas paranoia and money clouds our judgement and we condemn the earth to pick up the pieces after this party. Why can't we see we are another pound in their piles.
Forever swimming in the cesspit called humanity.

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